Saturday, January 3, 2015

Liityin Pinterestiin / I joined Pinterest

Kuten tavallista, lähden mukaan erinäisiin some-juttuihin mattimyöhäisenä. Osana vaatekaaoksen selvittelyprojektiani päätin hypätä Pinterest-kelkkaan. Olen pitänyt vanhanaikaista inspiraatioleikekirjaa useamman vuoden ajan, mutta sen rinnalla toimikoon nyt myös Pinterest. Keräilen Palavarakkaus Pikkusydän-nimen alle vähän kaikenlaista minua inspiroivaa sälää, joka kenties auttaa minua selkeyttämään ajatuksiani tyylistä ja vaatepaljoudesta.

Pinterestistä minut löytää täältä.

P.S. Olen viettänyt Projekti 333:n ensimmäiset päivät verkkareissa. En muista koskaan ajatelleeni vaatteita niin paljon kuin nyt. Mielessäni kummittelee 2000-luvun alussa ilmestynyt Vogue UK-juttu, jossa muotitoimittaja luopuu kaikista vaatteistaan ja ostaa uudet tilalle. Eilen pakkasin jätesäkillisen vanhoja vaatteita kirpparille.

As usual, I am horribly late to join in on a social media phenomenon. I've kept an old-fashioned inspiration scrapbook for some years now, and yesterday I decided to join Pinterest. I figured it might help me sort out my style and wardrobe. If you are interested in finding out what inspires me, check out my Pinterest here.

P.S. I've spent the first days of Project 333 in sweatpants. I've never thought about clothes as much as I have in the past couple of days. I have a vague memory of an old, probably early 2000s Vogue UK article stuck in my head: in it a fashion editor sells or donates all of her old clothes and buys new ones. Yesterday I packed away a big garbage bag full of clothes to sell at a flea market.


  1. Hahahah! Täällä kans mennään verari osastolla. Kuumetta on kolkytyheksän ja kaheksan ja ulkona sataa niin kovaa että suunnittelen arkin pistämistä pystiin. Silti myös minä mietin vaattehia.

    1. Pikaista paranemista! En tiiä mikä vaatteiden ajattelemisessa on niin... mielenkiintoista / terapeuttista / rauhoittavaa / ahdistavaa (ja kaikkia noita yhtäaikaisesti). :)

  2. I'm another long time Signposts reader who randomly, hopefully, googled the blog name the other day and found this blog. Very glad to see you back on the interwebs. I'm reading through your posts on this blog in chronological order and got to this one and I remember that Vogue article too!. She ends up with a very odd assortment of 'last' clothes, goes to a second hand shop, donates them all, walks out in 'new' second hand ones from the shop and then buys more? better? I don't really remember. I just remember that process of getting rid of them ALL. Cathartic, I think.

    1. Hi Mary, and yay, it's so nice hear from a long time reader! Welcome! :)

      Yes, I remember that part too, the one where she goes to the second hand shop with her last clothes, pretty much just gets naked, picks a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, and then started to look for "proper" new clothes. That must have been a totally crazy feeling for her! From what I remember from the story, she made a lot of money with her old clothes, and that was her budget for new ones. I think the idea was to buy fewer but only really special, beautiful clothes, no cheap thrills and all that. I specifically remember her buying a puffy-sleeved, flower-print Dolce & Gabbana top... and yes, I am crazy, I just looked it up, and it is this one: Which, I guess, means that the story came out in the fall of 2001. I wonder if she still wears that top... :)

    2. I wonder if she does - it doesn't look like a piece of forever clothing to me - but then, to each their own. Fancy both of us remembering that story for 14 years or so. It obviously embodied some powerful ideas. And yes, I remember now, she did use the money from selling hr old clothes to buy a new wardrobe.

    3. Indeed, wow, 14 years... I have found myself thinking about the story sporadically over the years, pretty much every time I get antsy about having too many clothes or start worrying about my style not being consistent. I thought about it again yesterday as I was writing up my final thoughts on Project 333. Clearly, there is something about the idea that appeals to us, or really makes us think. :)
