Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Lempimekko / My New Favorite Dress

Ostin tämän mekon kirpputorilta alkukeväästä. Se on minulle vähän iso, mutta joskus "vähän iso" on juuri sopiva. Kangas on henkäyksen kevyttä polyesteria, joka ei yllättäen hiosta lainkaan. Mekko toimii loistavasti myös paksujen sukkahousujen ja runsaan neuletakin kanssa syksymmällä. Korvikset ovat Moonk:ista, ihanasta pikkupuodista, joka toimii samoissa tiloissa siskoni second hand-liikkeen, Frida marinan, kanssa. Kengät ovat uutena ostetut; sorruin niihin keväällä.

I bought the dress at a flea market this spring. It's a little big for me, but oh well, sometimes a little big is just right. The dress is made of super light polyester, which, to my surprise, actually breathes! I'll be wearing it with tights and a chunky cardigan later this fall. The earrings are from Moonk, a cute little shop that's conveniently located within my sister's second hand store, Frida marina. I bought the shoes this spring, they were new. 


  1. Ja asukuviakin viela! Maria-siskon blogin lisaksi syksyn paras uutinen!!!! <3

    1. Joo, asukuvat ovat palanneet. Ja siskon blogi on ihana! :)

  2. Love it! And those Deco earrings are the dreamiest!

    1. I couldn't believe my luck with the earrings! I had seen them in the shop like three weeks earlier, for some crazy reason I didn't buy them, and they just kept haunting me. I went back, thinking that they'd be gone for sure, but there they were, three weeks later! I was so happy! :)
