Sunday, June 14, 2015

Kesä, missä olet? / Summer, where are you?

Kuvien perusteella luulisi, että ilma on kaunis kuin morsian, mutta kesäparatiisi on tuulinen ja hyinen. Mikä se sellainen kesä on, että ilmanlämpöpumppu on päälle iltaisin, ulos ei voi kuvitella menevänsä ilman tuulitakkia, ja että perunat saadaan maahan vasta kesäkuun 14. päivä? Meidän seutuvillamme eletään kylmintä alkukesää 40 vuoteen. Tuttu mehiläisten surina kukkivissa omenapuissa loistaa poissaolollaan. Saapa nähdä, onko puissa pölyttäjiä käynytkään - tänään terälehdet ovat jo alkaneet sataa alas nurmikolle.

Kurja keli harmittaa vietävästi. Viime talvi ja kulunut kevät ovat olleet henkisesti rankkoja töissä(surkeasti)jaksamisen ja orastavan keski-ikän kriisin vuoksi. Kesää olen odottanut kuin kuuta nousevaa. "Sitten kun sää on lämpimämpi ja mieli valoisampi, istun omanapuun alla ja siemailen limonadia, ja ehkä kaikki tuntuu sitten olleen sen arvoista", olen ajatellut moneen otteeseen pitkin alkuvuotta. Sitä odotellessa, vieläkin.

Don't let the pretty pictures fool you - it's the coldest summer in 40 years. The weather is windy and chilly. We have the heat on in the house, and we planted potatoes later than ever, on June 14th, because it's just been too cold. The familiar buzzing sound of bees has been absent from our blooming apple trees. No bees probably equals no fruit this year. The apple blossoms have been raining down today. Our lawn is covered in white petals.

I've been looking forward to summer, I think more than ever, for the past six months or so. I've barely made it this far due to work-related exhaustion and a looming mid-life crisis, and it looks like the wait is far from over. "When the weather is warmer and my mind lighter, I'll sit under the apple trees, sipping lemonade, and it would have been worth it," I've thought on the hardest days. I'm still waiting.


  1. Well hello again. It seems that for some reason your blog updates weren't appearing in my feed since around the new year. That's too bad you aren't having a warmer summer. Is there any chance of you slipping away for a few days to warmer climes? A good dose of sunshine and warmth can really make a difference. To be honest, even with a lovely summer here, I have been feeling rather burnt out myself lately. Lacking both time and inspiration. I'm working at the best job I've ever had, ever hoped to have, but still I feel like something is missing these days. But I feel like I'm on the cusp of something as well. I'll be visiting Europe again this summer, Czech Republic, to see my boyfriends family. I'm hoping that either my answers lie in that trip, or that it will be the break I need and the answers will become obvious upon my return.

    I hope both you and kitty are feeling better today.

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment - I'm feeling better, and the kitty is getting there too, I think. :) It helps that we've finally had some decent weather here! (It also looks like we might be taking a little trip to Central Europe in September - yay!)

  2. ^^I was going to suggest that too. A former blogger from southern England that I follow on Instagram managed to escape to Egypt for a few days. (so lucky! always wanted to go there!) Perhaps even just a weekend in warmer climes would cheer you up? (Spain? Greece?? yum.)

    As a Californian in our miserable bone-dry climate of the last few years, I do the opposite: I head for rainy Oregon, hahaha. But it never fails to rejuvenate me. I think the weather everywhere this year is just bizarre. We've been alternating between chilly and windy and breathtakingly hot (read: way past enjoyable) heat waves. It's like the weather needs a mood stabilizer...

    I really sympathize with the midlife crisis. Mine has been trying to strangle my enjoyment of life for the past decade and regrettably, it appears to have become a permanent "no I want more time!" now I'm just trying to cope better, I guess. Emphasis on: enjoy everything, have more fun. Widen the focus, gain perspective, don't sweat the stupid little stuff. And get exercise, lol. I hope you feel better already--if not, SOON! *Meow*

    1. I'd love to get away for a little, but work is way too hectic for me to leave right now - but come September, we're hoping to take a trip to Germany. And at least the weather has gotten better since I wrote this post - we've had two days when the temperature hit 20 degrees. And it was sunny! :)

      Thank you for the advice re: midlife crisis. I don't know what's going on with me right now. I try to enjoy the small things in life, to laugh more, to not get irritated and weighed down so easily. But some days, oh boy, it's just tough. I think exercising is something I need to look into. I've become so lazy that I just plop myself in front of the TV and switch my brain off, and it's not good for me...
