Friday, May 8, 2015

Yleensä päällä aina / What I almost always wear

Minulla on lähes joka päivä päällä kauluspaita, miesten housut, kuviolliset sukat ja miesten kengät. Silti kuvaan näitä asuja todella harvoin. Ehkä asujen jokapäiväisyys saa minut ajattelemaan, ettei niissä ole mitään kuvattavaa. "No jotkut vanhat byysat ja pusero vaan", ajattelen, vaikka oikeasti kaikista kiinnostavinta ihmisten vaatevalinnoissa on omastakin mielestäni pysyvyys ja arkisuus. Minua kiinnostaa, mitä muilla ihmisillä on päällä tavallisessa tuoksinassa, ruokakaupassa tai koiraa ulkoiluttaessa, ei Met-gaalassa. Ihmisen arkisissa vaatevalinnoissa näkyy ihminen itse. 

Kukkakuvioinen silkkipaita on kulkeutunut entisen työkaverin kautta siskolleni (joka ei käytä kauluspaitoja) ja sitten minulle. Kaikki muu asussani onkin sitten miesten: villasekoitehousut ja kengät ovat kirpparilta, vähän liian isot sukatkin ovat aviomiehen.

This is what I most typically wear: a blouse, men's trousers, patterned socks and men's shoes. I wear this type of stuff almost every day, but I hardly ever take pictures of these outfits. They seem so mundane that I don't consider them picture-worthy. Yet, what interests me the most about other people's clothing choices is the every day aspect of wearing clothes: I don't care what someone wore to the Met Ball, I care about what they wore to walk the dog or to go to the grocery store. There is something about every day style choices that people make, something tangible, something that reveals the person behind the clothes. 

The flower-patterned silk blouse was originally my co-worker's, then it hung in my sister's wardrobe for a while, and then it came to my possession. The trousers and the shoes are from some random flea market, and the socks are my husband's. 


  1. Superkaunis kuva tuo viimeinen...

    1. Mitä nyt niskahaivenet elää omaa elämäänsä... :)

  2. Gorgeous! I love the daily aspect of people's style, too. Are the trousers blue or black? The combination of socks and blouse is great.

    1. Thanks! The trousers are black, but "of the blue kind", if that makes sense - in certain light, they almost appear blue-ish. :)

  3. I also like seeing the every day. Especially because it's often what's most comfortable and functional.

    1. Indeed. The functionality of clothes, how they fit into life, I guess, is what interests me.

  4. When you say they are men's trousers, do you mean they are the sort that men wear or actual trousers intended to be worn by a man? I had never thought of wearing actual men's trousers, even though I would wear jeans. So obvious and yet it had not occurred to me to try. You look great in them!

    1. They are indeed men's trousers. :) I buy them because they have a comfortable, loose, slouchy fit, and you can get nice vintage pairs for pennies at flea markets. I find that men's trousers are of much better quality than women's trousers - they are often made of really good materials, they have lined waist bands, there is interfacing everywhere, the seams are nicely finished... :)
