Tuesday, February 7, 2017

7 February

Hei vain, helmikuu. Mitä kuuluu - no eipä kuppaa kummempaa. Sunnuntaina luuhasin siskon kanssa Holvikellarin (ja parilla muullakin) kirppiksellä, sitten somistimme siskon kaupan ikkunaa. Maanantaina kävin veljen kanssa Orionissa katsomassa Herzogin Aguirre - Jumalan vihan. (Olipa outo, häiritsevä, vahva elokuva - se näyttää muuten olevan katsottavissa YouTubessa kokonaisuudessaan.) Illusia kävi eläinlääkärillä granuloomakompleksinsa vuoksi. Tänään tiistaina meillä on ollut vedet poikki koko päivän. On kai pakkanen rikkonut putkia.

Vaatetuspuolella kiinnostaisivat jo vähän vaaleammat värit ja kevyemmät vaatteet, mutta talvi on ja pysyy. Välillä tosin tuntuu siltä, ettei se oikein ole alkanutkaan, kun on ollut niin märkää ja tuulista. On saatu luistella jäisillä kaduilla tai tarpoa vetisessä loskassa vuoropäivin. Talvessa parasta ovat kunnon pakkanen ja aurinko - nyt saadaan nauttia molemmista. Tänään kotona valo näyttää jokaisen pölyhiukkasen ja pesun tarpeessa olevat ikkunat, mutta ei se mitään. Valoa kohden mennään.

Hello February! What's new - well, not a whole lot (or as one of the oddest Finnish sayings goes: "not much more than syphilis".) On Sunday my sister and I went to check out a new fleamarket (and a couple of others), then worked on the window display at my sister's vintage shop. On Monday my brother and I went to see Herzog's 1972 classic Aguirre - The Wrath of God. (What a strange, uncomfortable, powerful movie - looks like it's available on YouTube in its entirety.) Illusia went to the vet because of her chronic skin problems. Today our water has been cut off all day - the frost has busted a main pipe in our neck of the woods.

On the clothing front I'd already feel like wearing lighter colors and fewer layers (I have a wonderful long green trench coat I'm dying to wear), but winter is still here, although in a way it almost seems that it has barely even begun. This winter has been a weird one: very windy, rainy, temperatures all over the place. The thin layer of soaking wet slush or ice on the pavements hasn't exactly thrilled me. The current weather front came with plummeting temperatures and a little bit of crunchy snow: it all feels refreshing. The sun is out again and the mid-winter light is brutal: it shows every little speck of dust at home and a severe need for window cleaning. But this is what I love about winter in Finland: proper frost, snow, some sun. 

1 comment:

  1. Winter light is not my favorite either. So very unforgiving.
    I'm not feeling like spring yet, though. Oh, I am lying, for the first time since October maybe I've started wearing skirts again, so that's something. But we're expecting a big snow storm tomorrow, so it's very clear that winter is not done with us. Not for a while.
