On tullut käytyä elokuvissa. Eilen kävimme katsomassa Arrivalin, joka oli ihan kohtuullinen, muttei minusta kaiken hypetyksen arvoinen. Filmi muistutti minua vähän liikaa niistä syistä, joiden johdosta en pitänyt Interstellarista: pikkuisen liikaa kikkailua ja laskelmoitua kyynelkanavien väkinäistä aukipuskemista. Ei Arrival huono ollut, vaan oikein hyvin tehty, mutta olisin toivonut enemmän. Hyviä sci-fi -elokuvia kun ei kasva puissa, keskinkertaisia sitäkin enemmän. Elokuvan nähtyämme pohdiskelimme Chrisin kanssa, mahtuuko 10 parhaan sci-fi-elokuvan listallemme yhtäkään viimeisen kymmenen tai viidentoista vuoden aikana julkaistua leffaa. (Ehkä Inception tai Moon, kunniamaininnan saa District 9.)
Viikkoa aikaisemmin näimme myöskin Amy Adamsin pääosittaman, Tom Fordin ohjaaman elokuvan Nocturnal Animals. Rankka elokuva jäi pyörimään mieleen useammaksi päiväksi. Ei voi kuin ihailla Fordin kykyä rakentaa viileän etäistä, viimeiseen asti viilattua ja tarkasti harkittua visuaalista maailmaa. Elokuva on vaikea ja ahdistava, sen teemat pyörivät ihmisten välisissä valta-asetelmissa ja kostossa, mutta suosittelen sitä silti. Fordin erinomaisessa edellisessä ohjaustyössä A Single Man nähty loputon yksinäisyys ja ihmiselämän lohduttomuus korostuvat tässä tuoreessakin elokuvassa, mutta lähestymistapa on Noctural Animalsissa ehkä vieläkin julmempi. Kauheaa mutta kaunista katseltavaa.
Chris and I have been going to the movies lately. Yesterday we saw Arrival, which was okay, but not really worth all the hype, we thought. Arrival reminded me of the reasons why I didn't care for Interstellar: too many gimmicks, too much tear-jerking. Arrival was not bad (and it is definitely much, much better than Interstellar) - it is actually very well made, well acted and it looks great, but I had hoped for more. Excellent sci-fi movies are hard to come by these days, and there are more mediocre ones than I care to remember. After having seen Arrival, Chris and I tried to think if any films released in the last 10 or 15 years would fit our "10 Greatest Sci-fi Movies of All Time"- lists. (Maybe Inception, or Moon. Honorary mention: District 9.)
A week earlier we had gone to see Nocturnal Animals, the latest Tom Ford movie, also starring Amy Adams. It was a tough one to watch, and the film stayed with me for days. One can't help but admire Ford's ability to create slightly distant but beautifully and carefully crafted visual worlds, where everything comes together: camera work, music, actors, everything. Nocturnal Animals is a difficult film (its themes revolve around revenge and power in human relationships) but I recommend it fully. In Nocturnal Animals, Ford visits similar themes as he did in his previous work A Single Man (which I love) - endless loneliness and beautiful hopelessness of human existence. This time around, those themes hit home in a manner more cruel than is imaginable. One can't look away though, because there is beauty in all of it.
Chris and I have been going to the movies lately. Yesterday we saw Arrival, which was okay, but not really worth all the hype, we thought. Arrival reminded me of the reasons why I didn't care for Interstellar: too many gimmicks, too much tear-jerking. Arrival was not bad (and it is definitely much, much better than Interstellar) - it is actually very well made, well acted and it looks great, but I had hoped for more. Excellent sci-fi movies are hard to come by these days, and there are more mediocre ones than I care to remember. After having seen Arrival, Chris and I tried to think if any films released in the last 10 or 15 years would fit our "10 Greatest Sci-fi Movies of All Time"- lists. (Maybe Inception, or Moon. Honorary mention: District 9.)
A week earlier we had gone to see Nocturnal Animals, the latest Tom Ford movie, also starring Amy Adams. It was a tough one to watch, and the film stayed with me for days. One can't help but admire Ford's ability to create slightly distant but beautifully and carefully crafted visual worlds, where everything comes together: camera work, music, actors, everything. Nocturnal Animals is a difficult film (its themes revolve around revenge and power in human relationships) but I recommend it fully. In Nocturnal Animals, Ford visits similar themes as he did in his previous work A Single Man (which I love) - endless loneliness and beautiful hopelessness of human existence. This time around, those themes hit home in a manner more cruel than is imaginable. One can't look away though, because there is beauty in all of it.
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