Saturday, October 1, 2016

Kun saapuu syys / The falling leaves

On kuulkaa jo lokakuun ensimmäinen. Sen kunniaksi aina vain matalammalta paistava aurinko valaisee kullankeltaiset lehdet, tuulee vieläkin kovaa parin myrskypäivän jälkeen. Syksy on ollut kauniimpi kuin miesmuistiin: lämmin, kuiva, kirkas. Pitää jo tosissaan pohtia, millaisilla vaatteilla pärjäisi aamusta iltaan: viileän yön jäljiltä tarvitsee kaulahuivin ja käsineet, mutta villasukkahousut olisivat jo liioittelua. Päivän aikana sää lämpenee kuin varkain, mutta heti auringon laskettua kylmenee taas.

Ostin Vagabondin viininpunaiset nilkkurit pari viikkoa sitten, ystävän kirppispaikalta, mistäs muualta. Olen käyttänyt niitä melkein joka päivä, potkiskellen kevyesti puista pudonneita kastanjoita, tammenterhoja ja oransseja vaahteranlehtiä.

Vaikka elämässä on aina kaikenlaista ja syksy on minulle usein vaikeaa aikaa, tänä vuonna toivotan lokakuun tervetulleeksi. Luonto pääsee lepäämään, asiat järjestyvät. On ruusunmarjateetä, Netflixissä kaksi kautta Penny Dreadful'ia, kehräävä kissa sylissä, ja Bill Evans Trion maailman paras versio Kuolleista lehdistä (löytyypi postauksen lopusta). Sen kuuloista ja oloista syksyä vietän ja toivotan muillekin: kuplivaa, eloisaa, veikeää.

It's hard to believe it's October 1st already. The sun sets earlier and earlier every day. It has been a stunning autumn in our neck of the woods: sunny, bright and warm, but it's getting trickier to get dressed. One needs gloves and a warm scarf in the mornings, but the days are still pleasant enough where wool tights would be a total overkill. Then the sun sets, as does the chill. It's a beautiful, complicated time of year.

I bought a pair of dark red ankle boots from my friend's flea market stall a few weeks back. I have worn them almost every day, kicking fallen maple leaves, acorns and chestnuts gently as I walk to the train station.

Isn't it so, that there is always something in life: some kind of a worry or a problem, whether it's real or imagined. Autumn months tend to be difficult for me personally, with the loss of daylight in particular, and whatever worries there may be, the burden always feels heavier when summer is no longer with us. But this year I feel much more optimistic about fall than usual: there is rosehip tea, two seasons of Penny Dreadful on Netflix, a purring kitty or three, and the best ever version of Autumn Leaves, courtesy of Bill Evans Trio. The track sounds like my autumn feels: bubbly, airy, lively. 


  1. We love Bill Evans in Australia also! It may be spring here but his appeal is universal. As are purring kittens :)

  2. Penny Dreadful is so so good! So much moody Gothicism, I am completely enraptured! Watching now the third season.

    1. I love Penny Dreadful, it's so beautiful to look at! We don't have the third season available for us yet. I am a little concerned where they will take the story. The first season seemed so much better than the second.

  3. Fall gets me like that too. It's such a bummer for me and I forget how much sunlight impacts my moods and outlook.

    1. Same here. It's always a shock to the system. I hope that things will be somewhat different this year, because at least we have artificial light in the city. Fall in the countryside was just dark and completely lifeless.

  4. I just love the way you write. Autumn is such a beautiful season 🍁

    1. Thank you Susan! I'm dreading the rain: once it comes, the leaves will fall and there goes the beauty...
