Thursday, October 15, 2015

Kaupungissa, rauhassa / In the city, at peace

Kun suurimmalla osalla suomalaisista on hermo kireällä, he häipyvät maaseudun rauhaan, jonnekin keskelle ei-mitään. Minä taas hakeudun kaupungin vilinään. Kuuntelen ratikoiden kolinaa, kävelen ihmisvirrassa, istun yksin kahvilassa, jossa minua ei tunne kukaan. Syön kiinalaista, nepalilaista ja sushia, peräkkäisinä päivinä. En soita kenellekään, en katso vastaantulijoita silmiin. Samalla kun ympärilläni on enemmän ihmisiä kuin parina viime kuukautena yhteensä, tunnen suunnatonta vapautta olla tavoittamattomissa. Lataan akkuja kävelemällä niin paljon, että jalkoja pakottaa. Luuhaan kirppareilla ja second hand-liikkeissä, plärään divarissa vanhoja kirjoja ja Akateemisessa kirjakaupassa uusia. Piipahdan Kaivopuiston rannassa, koska se on osa Helsinki-rutiinejani. Siskon kanssa puhumme rakkaudesta, onnesta ja vaatteista.  

When most Finns get stressed out, they travel to the countryside, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. When I feel worn out by the everyday grind, I head to the city instead. I walk in the stream of strangers, sit on the tram with three dozen others, but I feel perfectly alone, incommunicado, at peace. I have a cup of tea at a café where no one knows me, I don't call anyone, I don't look passers-by in the eye. I walk so much that my feet ache the next day. I eat Chinese, Nepalese food and sushi, on consecutive days. I visit second-hand stores and flea markets, and stop by to see the sea at Kaivopuisto, because that's what I always do. I flip through old books at second-hand book shops, and new ones at Akateeminen kirjakauppa, the best book store in Finland. With my sister, we talk about love, happiness and clothes.

1 comment:

  1. I live in a small city in Canada, but my favorite places to travel to are still cities, specifically European cities. There's something so tangibly alive that I've sensed in each city in Europe that I've visited. I know what you mean about being amongst all the people and yet feeling so comfortable and alone with your thoughts not minding those around you at all. Feeling like should you want or need anything there are all these fellow human beings right there nearby, it's comforting.
    Or also feeling like you're in the middle of all these people who are going about their lives but yet you're just observing it all. I recently read somewhere that there's a word for that and Google has found me a link
    I also recently read about this word, which I'm fairly certain would describe a feeling that I would have an easier time finding in the city, unlike most people I'm sure.
    It's pretty early to be thinking about winter season holidays but I'm also reminded that one of my favorite holiday tunes is Silver Bells. More city imagery!
    Enjoy your city getaway! I'd love to see more of what you get up to!
