Olen nukkunut huonosti jo muutaman viikon. Olen pyörinyt sängyssä, heräillyt mitä oudompina yön hetkinä. Milloin on nenä tukossa, milloin kurkkua kuivaa, jalka on puuduksissa, sydämen syke tuntuu liian nopealta nukkumiseen. Jossain vaiheessa vaivun levottomaan uneen, josta havahdun ennen auringonnousua. Torkahdan vielä tunniksi tai pariksi jos hyvin käy. Olen nähnyt omituisia unia, joissa vierailevat lapsuuden koulukaverit, pähkinähakkiparvet ja holtittomasti purkautuvat lankarullat. Päivisin en kuitenkaan ole ollut megalomaanisen väsynyt. Aivot raksuttavat, kuumeisesti ja ylitahtiin. Olen käynyt kierroksilla päivin ja öin, jokin odottaa.
Kävin viime sunnuntaina siskon kanssa UFFin neljän euron päivillä ja ostin kasan vaatteita kun mieli teki. Ostin jännän kullanvihreänsävyisen, röyhelöhelmaisen hameen, minulle ihan liian suuren Aasia-inspiroituneen tikkipusakan ja hopeisella kuunsirpillä varustetun sinivihreän mohairneuleen. Ei ehkä maailman käytännöllisimpiä vaatteita, mutta mitä siitä! On kai taas se puolivuosittain koittava aika, kun minun tekisi mieli omistaa kaikki maailman kauniit vaatteet ja kaikki maailman tyylit, jotta voisin luoda nahkani joka ikinen päivä ja olla samalla oma itseni mutta silti joku toinen. Plärään nettikauppoja mutten osta mitään, ja selaan Pinterestiä ja muotilehtiä kuin heikkopäinen. Vähän oudot, pudotetut vyötäröt kiinnostavat edelleen. Jos olisin sikarikas, ostaisin Delpozoa. Pukeudun mustaan merinovillaiseen neuleeseen ja mustiin suoriin housuihin ja mieheni huikkaa ohimennen, ettei tiennytkään menneensä Johnny Cashin kanssa naimisiin. Musta näyttää kevään valossa ankeammalta ja nuhjuisemmalta kuin mikään, mutta sillä nyt mennään kun muutakaan en ole keksinyt - vielä!
Chris vietti syntymäpäiviään tämän viikon tiistaina. Olin junaillut itselleni vapaapäivän, jonka ensin luulin pilanneeni syömällä edellisenä iltana liikaa sipsejä ja dippiä. Tuli nimittäin niin paha olo, ettei tosikaan. Huonosti nukkuminen sai täysin uudet ulottuvuudet: yön pimeinä tunteina makasin vuoteen sijasta kylppärin kylmällä lattialla, hengittelin syvään ja yritin olla oksentamatta. Chrisin synttäripäivänä oli pakko ottaa iisisti, kun kuumekin nousi. Katsoimme kotisohvalta Hitchcockin alkuperäisen The Man Who Knew Too Much:in vuodelta 1934. En pystynyt syömään Stockan Herkusta ostamiani synttärileivoksia, en katsomaan niihin päinkään. Kunnon vatsatautihan siitä sitten kehkeytyi, lääkärissäkin piti käydä. Sairasvuoteelta olen katsonut joka paikassa hypetettyä Skam:ia, ja myönnän, se on oikein hyvä ja koukuttava. En kylläkään oikein osaa samaistua henkilöhahmoihin, koska minä en ollut teininä millään tasolla sanavalmis enkä koskaan käynyt missään bileissä, joita skamilaisilla tuntuu olevan vähintään kerran varttitunnissa. Erinomainen sarja silti.
Ihan kuin en käyttäisi tarpeeksi aikaa vaatteiden vatvomiseen: sohvalla maatessa minulla on ollut aikaa katsella jokunen aika sitten päättyneiden muotiviikkojen tarjontaa. Paljon rumaa, epäkäytännöllistä ja kikkailevaa muotia (Diorin nahkabaskerit, ihanko oikeasti?), mutta onneksi olen inspiroitunutkin. Antonio Marrasin show nykytanssiperformansseineen oli hurmaavaa katsottavaa, vaatteetkin olivat kauniita. Edellä mainitun Delpozon pähkähulluja volyymeja olen ihaillut jo useamman sesongin ajan. Ihastuin suin päin Dries Van Notenin muotinäytösvideoon vaatteineen, stailauksineen, musiikkeineen, malleineen päivineen. (Dries ei erehdy ikinä, ei koskaan.) Kunhan kelit paranevat, aion pukea pohjepituisen, kapean hameen kanssa mustat nilkkasukat ja mieskengät. Voipi olla, että Johnny Cash- vaikutteet jatkuvat siis vielä hetkisen.
I have slept rather poorly recently. I roll around in bed and wake up at the strangest hours. I feel congested, have dry throat, my foot falls asleep, my heart rate is too fast for sleeping. At some point I fall into restless sleep and have odd dreams in the early hours of the morning, about my childhood friends, huge flocks of spotted nutcrackers and unraveling balls of yarn. During the days, however, I am not as tired as one would expect. My brain is on overdrive, day and night. It's like a holding pattern, something is waiting.
Last Sunday my sister and I visited a local charity store where they were selling everything for four euros. I bought a bunch of clothes because I felt like it: a golden greenish ruffle skirt, a somewhat Asia- inspired jacket that is way too big for me (but I think I'll be able to wear it anyway), and a little juvenile handmade sea green colored mohair sweater with a silver moon and stars on it. Not the most practical set of clothes I've ever owned, but oh well! It's that time again: every six months I feel like I want to own all the pretty clothes in the world and all the cool styles in the world, so that I can change my identity daily - be me but be someone else at the same time. I browse online stores (I don't buy anything) and frantically flip through fashion magazines, books and Pinterest. I am still intrigued by slightly odd, dropped waists at the moment. If I was rich, I'd buy Delpozo. I end up wearing a plain black merino wool sweater with black slacks and my husband mentions, in passing, that he hadn't remembered marrying Johnny Cash. Black looks rather scruffy and dowdy in the newly emerged light of spring, but I haven't really felt like wearing lighter colors either - not yet anyway.
It was Chris' birthday on Tuesday. I had arranged to have the day off, which I thought I then ruined by eating way too many chips and dip the night before. I felt really sick, thinking that I must have overeaten. At night my current patterns of poor sleep escalated: I found myself lying on the bathroom floor, shivering, trying desperately to not throw up. The next day I realized I had a fever. We spent Chris' birthday at home on the sofa, watching Hitchcock's British version of The Man Who Knew Too Much, from 1934. I couldn't even look at the birthday cakes and pastries I had bought for Chris' special day. What I thought was just a bad reaction to a bunch of chips turned out to be a full-blown stomach bug. Charming! From my sick bed I've been watching Skam, the much hyped Norwegian teen angst drama. It's very good and I'm hooked, although it's not like I can relate to the characters. I never went to any parties in my teens and I certainly wasn't a verbal acrobat like most of the Skam teens seem to be. It's an excellent show nevertheless.
As if I weren't preoccupied enough with clothes already, but since I've been sick, I've had ample time to watch the autumn/winter 2017 fashion weeks' offerings. As usual, there was a lot of gimmicky, flat-out bad and ugly fashion out there (leather berets? You've got to be kidding me, Dior!). I also saw a few shows that really inspired me, like Antonio Marras (with actors and dancers and superbly beautiful clothes), Delpozo (I mentioned him earlier already - oh, those nutty volumes!) and Dries Van Noten (everything about it - that man can do no wrong). When the weather gets nicer, I will wear a narrow, mid-calf skirt with black ankle socks and black flats. Seems like the Johnny Cash theme might continue further into spring and summer.
Ihan kuin en käyttäisi tarpeeksi aikaa vaatteiden vatvomiseen: sohvalla maatessa minulla on ollut aikaa katsella jokunen aika sitten päättyneiden muotiviikkojen tarjontaa. Paljon rumaa, epäkäytännöllistä ja kikkailevaa muotia (Diorin nahkabaskerit, ihanko oikeasti?), mutta onneksi olen inspiroitunutkin. Antonio Marrasin show nykytanssiperformansseineen oli hurmaavaa katsottavaa, vaatteetkin olivat kauniita. Edellä mainitun Delpozon pähkähulluja volyymeja olen ihaillut jo useamman sesongin ajan. Ihastuin suin päin Dries Van Notenin muotinäytösvideoon vaatteineen, stailauksineen, musiikkeineen, malleineen päivineen. (Dries ei erehdy ikinä, ei koskaan.) Kunhan kelit paranevat, aion pukea pohjepituisen, kapean hameen kanssa mustat nilkkasukat ja mieskengät. Voipi olla, että Johnny Cash- vaikutteet jatkuvat siis vielä hetkisen.
- - -
I have slept rather poorly recently. I roll around in bed and wake up at the strangest hours. I feel congested, have dry throat, my foot falls asleep, my heart rate is too fast for sleeping. At some point I fall into restless sleep and have odd dreams in the early hours of the morning, about my childhood friends, huge flocks of spotted nutcrackers and unraveling balls of yarn. During the days, however, I am not as tired as one would expect. My brain is on overdrive, day and night. It's like a holding pattern, something is waiting.
Last Sunday my sister and I visited a local charity store where they were selling everything for four euros. I bought a bunch of clothes because I felt like it: a golden greenish ruffle skirt, a somewhat Asia- inspired jacket that is way too big for me (but I think I'll be able to wear it anyway), and a little juvenile handmade sea green colored mohair sweater with a silver moon and stars on it. Not the most practical set of clothes I've ever owned, but oh well! It's that time again: every six months I feel like I want to own all the pretty clothes in the world and all the cool styles in the world, so that I can change my identity daily - be me but be someone else at the same time. I browse online stores (I don't buy anything) and frantically flip through fashion magazines, books and Pinterest. I am still intrigued by slightly odd, dropped waists at the moment. If I was rich, I'd buy Delpozo. I end up wearing a plain black merino wool sweater with black slacks and my husband mentions, in passing, that he hadn't remembered marrying Johnny Cash. Black looks rather scruffy and dowdy in the newly emerged light of spring, but I haven't really felt like wearing lighter colors either - not yet anyway.
It was Chris' birthday on Tuesday. I had arranged to have the day off, which I thought I then ruined by eating way too many chips and dip the night before. I felt really sick, thinking that I must have overeaten. At night my current patterns of poor sleep escalated: I found myself lying on the bathroom floor, shivering, trying desperately to not throw up. The next day I realized I had a fever. We spent Chris' birthday at home on the sofa, watching Hitchcock's British version of The Man Who Knew Too Much, from 1934. I couldn't even look at the birthday cakes and pastries I had bought for Chris' special day. What I thought was just a bad reaction to a bunch of chips turned out to be a full-blown stomach bug. Charming! From my sick bed I've been watching Skam, the much hyped Norwegian teen angst drama. It's very good and I'm hooked, although it's not like I can relate to the characters. I never went to any parties in my teens and I certainly wasn't a verbal acrobat like most of the Skam teens seem to be. It's an excellent show nevertheless.
As if I weren't preoccupied enough with clothes already, but since I've been sick, I've had ample time to watch the autumn/winter 2017 fashion weeks' offerings. As usual, there was a lot of gimmicky, flat-out bad and ugly fashion out there (leather berets? You've got to be kidding me, Dior!). I also saw a few shows that really inspired me, like Antonio Marras (with actors and dancers and superbly beautiful clothes), Delpozo (I mentioned him earlier already - oh, those nutty volumes!) and Dries Van Noten (everything about it - that man can do no wrong). When the weather gets nicer, I will wear a narrow, mid-calf skirt with black ankle socks and black flats. Seems like the Johnny Cash theme might continue further into spring and summer.
Voi, tuo Marras oli ihana! Tahtoisin ne kaikki mekot! En muuten voinut olla huomaamatta samannäköistä helmaa kuin on tuossa sun uffilöydössä... :)
ReplyDeleteNo eikö ollutkin! Oon katsonut tuon näytösvideon varmaan 5 kertaa. :) Voi hyvin olla, että toi helma on jäänyt alitajuntaani hautumaan jo parin viikon takaa, kun ekaa kertaa näin tuon videon. :)
DeleteWish you better! Your new clothes are lovely!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Radostin! I am already feeling much better! :)
DeleteMy husband still makes comments about my dressing in black, although I'm rarely in all black. Nowadays most of my family is resigned to it, but they make sure to be extra complimentary when I happen to wear any color (and when I least feel like myself!). When I am in India I always feel like the light is too strong and black just looks washed up and not pretty. I want to wear all the colors when I'm there, but I default to mostly white.
ReplyDeleteThe fun part for me is that I never wear only black! Actually, I hardly ever wear only one color, although this past winter I've found myself in all navy, all gray and now, all black. I think deep down I am a print & colors type of woman, but I guess I can't do that every day. :)
DeleteThe moon and stars are sweet, it's a pleasure to reinvent oneself with the new season or new frame of mind. I'm a little sad that spring is pending and I'll have to give up my beloved velvets.
ReplyDeleteI hope your recovery is speedy and complete.
I was thinking about velvets the other day, and I am considering trying to wear velvet this coming summer as well. I know it is considered a fall/winter fabric, but I think it could also work in the summer - well, at least in Finland because our summer is not very warm to begin with... :)