Friday, August 12, 2016

Lomaton / Vacationless

Lomilta palailevat työkaverit näyttävät ruskettuneita ja rentoutuneilta. Minä sen sijaan olen tehnyt sairasteluaikaa lukuunottamatta pitkää työviikkoa lomailijoiden poissaoloja paikkaillen. "Ai... siis sulla ei ole ollut yhtään lomaa", kollegat sanovat varovaisin äänenpainoin. Luulisi kai, että lomattomuus tuntuisi jossain, mutta oikeastaan se ei ole häirinnyt. Vaikka vapaa-aikaa on ollut kovin vähän ja se vähäkin on mennyt stressatessa erinäisiä talonmyyntiin liittyviä asioita, minulle ovat riittäneet pienet rippeet kesäpäivistä. Kun astuu puoli yhdeksältä illalla ilmastoidusta tilasta lämmintä päivää hehkuvalle kaupungin kadulle, kovaäänisistä ja riehakkaista pojista ja tytöistä näkee, että auringossa on istuttu ehkä vähän liian kauan. Ripsarit ovat tuhruuntuneet, iho kiiltää, tukka on merituulesta sekaisin. Kesämekkojen suojaksi on vedetty neuletakit tai isot huivit, kaikkia naurattaa. Iloisten kesäihmisten seassa olen kävellyt asemalle ilta toisensa jälkeen, hypännyt bussiin ja nollannut ajatukseni. Valoa on vielä, kun pääsen kotiin. Parvekkeen ovi on ollut auki pitkälle yöhön.

Aamuisin olen nukkunut surutta pitkään ja rauhassa, syönyt kaurapuuroa ja kuunnellut Benny Goodmania. Tänään ilmassa tuntuu jo orastava syksy, koivunsiemenet peittävät asfalttia. Kun muut kai valmistelevat lähtöä Flow-festareille, minä matkaan töihin. 

My colleagues are returning from their vacations, all tanned and relaxed. I, however, have been working most of the summer, covering my colleagues' absences, doing more hours than usual. I can hear pity in my colleagues' voices: "oh... so you have had no vacation..." Oddly enough, it really hasn't been all that bad. I've had very little free time, and the time I have had, I have mostly spent stressing out about the sale of our house in the countryside. But I have also enjoyed little moments here and there: walking out onto the sun-baked streets after a long shift, seeing happy and giddy girls and boys who have been in the sun too long, their skin glistening, their hair recklessly blown about by the wind, their mascara a little smeared. There is still plenty of daylight after 8 pm and the city smells of a hot summer day. I've taken my time to walk to the station, hopped on the bus one evening after the next, and thought about nothing. At home we've kept the balcony door open long into the night.

In the mornings I've slept in. I've eaten oatmeal for breakfast and listened to Benny Goodman. There's a shift in the weather now, the cinnamon-colored seeds of birch trees are gathering on the pavement - fall is almost here. On Facebook I learn that my friends are getting ready for the biggest hipster summer event in Helsinki, the Flow Festival, which headlines the likes of Sia, Massive Attack, FKA Twigs and Morrissey this year. Yes, you guessed it: I'm getting ready to leave for work.   


  1. Getting ready to leave for work - and looking absolutely stunning.

  2. Lovely outfit and fantastic shoes!

  3. I hope you're ok. Even though you say that you are, this strikes me as just a little melancholy. Sounds like a summer filled with the simple pleasures though, and that sounds nice. Legally here the minimum vacation a full time worker gets is 2 weeks. The main reason I wanted to work where I do now is that they offer 3 weeks to start and I now get 4 weeks having worked there for 5+ years. But it still seems to go by so fast, especially when I keep saving it up for trips to Europe and don't take much as down time. If you're feeling low give me an add on the old FB and we can chat anytime. I'll send you another comment with my last name. I can't remember if I've told you about my ex who harassed me..? At any rate, since then I don't post my name publicly, so please don't approve that message ;) Hugs from afar! -MonaM

    1. Well, really, I am okay. Summer has gone so fast, and I wish that it wasn't over yet, but at least the darkness that autumn brings to Finland doesn't scare me in the city at all, like it used to in the country. There is a melancholic side to all of this, but in a good way. :)

      I'll send you a friend request soon! :)
