Tätä kirppisvaatekertaa inspiroi The Row'n syys/talvi 2014-mallisto. Simppeliä, jokseenkin neutraalia ja ennen kaikkea mukavaa. Muhkea neulepoolo maksoi kirpparilla 5 euroa, miesten villahousut ja nahkakengät euron kukin. Hurja seitsemän euron satsaus koko asuun, siis.
Pitänee tässä välissä kertoa, että tämän kirpparivaatehaasteen aikana suuri osa asuistani on jäänyt kuvaamatta pimeyden takia. Mutta en ole lipsunut: päälläni ei ole ollut nyt kokonaiseen kahteen viikkoon muita kuin second hand-vaatteita. Jee!
This all-second-hand outfit got its inspiration from The Row's a/w 2014 collection: simple, somewhat neutral, and above all, comfortable. I paid five euros for the chunky knit. The men's wool trousers and the leather shoes cost one euro each. The cost of the total outfit: whopping seven euros.
I'm going to pat myself on the back: despite the fact that I haven't been taking pictures of all the outfits I've worn lately (it's been too dark for photos), I haven't worn anything but second hand clothes for two weeks now. Yay!
That's impressive. I wonder if I could do this any longer. I used to be able to but since I bought a bunch of new stuff due to weight gain/fit issues and got rid of a bunch of older stuff, I think I have mostly new items. I'm hoping that I'll be able to fit back into some of that stuff soon -- and that I'll have some time to start selectively digging through the racks again.